Dr. NK Magu

+91 7988228190


Foraminotomy Surgery For Spine Cost In India

Foraminotomy Surgery For Spine In India

Narrowing of the foramen, an opening of the spine where nerve root exits can lead to nerve pain and other symptoms. The nerve will get compressed if there is not enough space causing pain in the affected area. The narrowed passage can be surgically cut wide open to relieve the symptoms.

What Is a Foraminotomy?

The surgery performed to relieve pressure due to restriction of the nerve passage in the spine is called a foraminotomy. It is typically performed to treat foraminal stenosis, a narrowing of the nerve opening. The surgery involves cutting bone and repositioning tissues to relieve pressure on the nerve.

Types of Foraminotomy

The procedure for all types of foraminotomy is the same. The only difference is the area of the spine where the operation is conducted. They can be named as

  • Cervical foraminotomy- The operation is conducted in the neck region, the top of the spine
  • Thoracic foraminotomy- Surgery is conducted in the thoracic region, the upper or middle part of the spine
  • Lumbar foraminotomy- Surgery is conducted in the lumbar area, the lower part of the spine
  • Sacral foraminotomy- Surgery is typically conducted on the pelvis region, far lower of the spine
  • Coccygeal foraminotomy- Surgery is performed on the tailbone.

Why Do We Need To Perform Foreaminal Surgery

There is an opening called neural foramina in the spinal column through which nerve roots (a bundle of nerves) leave the spinal column. The nerve may become compressed when the nerve root’s openings become narrow. This may occur as a result of bone spurs restricting the passageway or a disc bulging into the foraminal cavity. The ailment is referred to as foraminal spinal stenosis. Surgery is typically considered when the symptoms are severe and affect daily activities. 

Symptoms of Spinal Stenosis

Foraminotomy surgery is typically considered when a person experiences the following symptoms:

  • Deep and steady pain may be felt in the thigh, calf, lower back, shoulder, arms, or hands
  • Numbness and tingling sensation in the muscle
  • Muscle weakness
  • Pain experienced during specific activities or body movements

These symptoms can interfere with daily activities, reducing the quality of life.

Pre-surgical Care and Diagnosis

An imaging test like a CT scan or MRI is performed first before the surgery to help determine the exact location of the part causing the symptom. You may inform your surgeon of any type of medication or supplements that you take especially anticoagulants. People having chronic diseases such as heart disease or diabetes had to make sure they were fit enough to undergo the procedure. It is imperative to cease using alcohol and/or tobacco products as they may impede the healing process. The patients will be given specific detailed instructions to follow on the day of the surgery.

Foraminotomy Surgery Procedure 

It is prohibited to eat or drink anything for 6-12 hours prior to surgery. Patients are usually positioned to lie on their belly or sit up on the operating table and the operation is conducted under general anesthesia to make it painless.

  • An incision is made on the back near the affected part of the spine. The amount of the spinal column that will be operated on will determine how long the incision is
  • The muscles, ligaments, and skin are moved aside. A surgical microscope might be employed to help visualize the inside of the back
  • The nerve root opening (foramen) is accessed by shaving or cutting away some bone. Disk fragments are eliminated
  • To ensure that your spinal column is stable following surgery, the surgeon might perform a spinal fusion
  • The muscles and the tissues are realigned to their normal position
  • The incision is sewn closed and covered up.

You might need to stay at least a day in the hospital after the surgery. Proper instructions regarding aftercare will be provided to you in detail before you get discharged from the hospital.

Foraminotomy Surgery For Spine Cost in India

Foraminotomy surgery for spine cost in India ranges from ₹1,80,000 to ₹2,60,000 ($2000 to $3000). They are relatively lower as compared to many Western countries, making it an attractive option for those seeking this procedure. The reduced expenses can be attributed to the overall lower cost of healthcare services. In India, patients can access the most advanced medical facilities, experienced surgeons, and personalized care at a lower cost and higher healthcare expenditures than other countries. The affordability, coupled with the quality of healthcare services, makes it a viable choice for an individual seeking effective and economical solutions for spinal conditions.

Risk Associated With Foraminotomy Surgery

Risks and complications are not common with this surgery. However, those symptoms might happen 

  • Reaction to anesthesia
  • Injury to a spinal nerve that results in pain, weakness, or loss of sensation
  • Infections
  • Bleeding or blood clots
  • Minimal or nonexistent pain relief following surgery
  • Reoccurrence of back pain
  • Spinal instability that might necessitate additional surgery

Also Read:- Spine Surgery Cost in India

Post-surgical Recovery and Outlook

After a foraminotomy, recovery can take up to a year. You can resume light activity four to eight weeks later after the surgery. Most people return to their jobs after four to six weeks. Your surgeon will advise you when it’s safe to drive, go to work or school, and exercise because everyone’s bodies heal differently.

Why Dr. N. K. Magu?

Dr. N. K. Magu is an Indian orthopedic surgeon who is well renowned globally for his extraordinary talent and dedication to his profession. Over many years, Dr. N. K. Magu has proven himself to be an exceptional specialist in several orthopedic fields, especially in the areas of proximal femoral osteotomies, hip preservation, reconstruction, and related subjects. His reputation has been cemented by his continuous commitment to enhancing the quality of life for his many patients.

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Most frequently asked questions for Foraminotomy Surgery For Spine Cost In India

Q: Who Is a Candidate For a Foraminotomy Surgery?

A: Foraminotomy candidates are those who have experienced symptoms such as back or neck pain for a minimum of three months. Sharp, deep, shooting, throbbing, dull, and persistent pain, either acute or chronic, and radiating pain down the arms and legs.

Q: Does Foraminotomy Weaken The Spine?

A: The spine is not in any way weakened by the procedure. Only a very small portion of the bone is removed to relieve pressure over the compressed nerve that is causing the symptoms.

Q: What Are The Restrictions After a Foraminotomy Surgery?

A: After the surgery, you must refrain from bending, twisting, lifting, pushing, and tugging more than 25 pounds at least for six weeks. Avoid sitting for longer than 30 minutes including in the car. Take breaks to stand or walk. For the first two weeks, only cardio and scapular retractions should be performed, and no specific cervical exercises.

Q: How Long Does Nerve Pain Last After Foraminotomy?

A: After surgery, any nerve pain that remains in the arm usually goes away in four to six weeks as the surrounding tissues and nerves become less inflamed. As the muscles and tissues adjust, the pain in the neck will subside.

Q: What Is The Difference Between a Foraminotomy And a Spinal Fusion?

A: Foraminotomy is the surgical enlargement of the intervertebral foramen, which allows the spinal nerves to travel from the spinal cord to the body. It is carried out to release pressure and spinal nerve pinching. Whereas fusion is the stabilizing process of combining two distinct bones into one.

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