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Tennis Elbow Treatment Cost in India

Tennis Elbow Treatment Cost in India

Tennis elbow occurs due to repetitive actions, such as frequent twisting or swinging of the lower arm. This repetitive strain places additional stress on the elbow, damaging the tendon that links the forearm muscles to the elbow joint. Most individuals experience improvement within a few months through nonsurgical treatment and adequate rest. Medical professionals often refer to the tennis elbow as lateral epicondylitis.

Many patients from all over the globe come to India for treatment, as India is considered to have one of the top healthcare industries in the world. Similarly, patients come to have Tennis Elbow treatment in India due to the cost factors, and the quality of treatment received in India is on par with international standards.

Tennis Elbow Treatment Cost in India

The average cost of Tennis elbow treatment in India usually ranges from ₹60,000 to ₹1,50,000 (700 USD to 1800 USD). However, the price stated here is only for the treatment. Other factors will contribute to the final cost.

Information Regarding the Treatment of Tennis Elbow Treatment in India.

Tennis Elbow Treatment CostStarting from ₹60,000 to ₹1,50,000 (700 USD to 1800 USD).
Estimated number of days at the hospital. 1 to 7 days
Estimated number of days in India outside hospital. 1 to 6 weeks
The success rate of the treatment.90% to 95%
Tests were done to help assess the treatment.Blood tests, X-rays, MRI scans, CT scans, ultrasounds, and electromyography (EMG).

Factors That Can Affect Tennis Elbow Treatment Costs in India

Here, we will share the various factors that can affect the cost of the treatment:

  • Hospital or Clinic Location: The cost depends on the geographical location and the kind of health facility involved. If the patient receives treatment in metropolitan cities or private hospitals, the cost may be higher than in small towns or government hospitals.
  • Type of Procedure: For example, there may be a big difference in the cost of conservative treatment, such as medications and physical therapy or surgical treatment, such as open or endoscopic surgery.
  • Medication Costs: Pain relievers, anti-inflammatory drugs, and post-surgical antibiotics are among the most common prescription medications likely to contribute significantly to drug expenditures.
  • Patient’s Health Condition: Other diseases or co-morbidities may require additional investigations or a more extended hospital stay, which adds to the difficulties and expenses of the medical intervention.
  • Duration of Treatment: The number of sessions for the treatment plan, whether rehabilitation or several follow-ups, can raise the total expense, particularly if the patient needs a lot of physiotherapy after the surgery.
  • Surgeon’s Expertise and Reputation: The cost of the operation or procedure performed by qualified and well-experienced orthopaedic (UK) surgeons is relatively high and dramatically influences the general cost of treatment.
  • Diagnostic Tests and Imaging: Other diagnostic options that may be necessary to determine the diagnosis and severity of the condition include MRI scans or electromyography (EMG) studies. These can significantly increase the overall cost.
  • Post-Operative Care and Rehabilitation: A patient may require physiotherapy or occupational therapy after surgery, which adds days to the treatment time and increases expenses through repeat therapies.
  • Type of Anesthesia Used: The type of anesthesia that can either be general or local and the qualifications of an anesthesiologist can also contribute to the total treatment expenses.

Note: As mentioned above, all these factors will contribute to the total pricing of tennis elbow treatment costs in India.

What are the Symptoms and Causes of Tennis Elbow Injury?

Tennis elbow symptoms are not sudden; instead, they are slow to develop. In most instances, they are moderate in the initial stages and gradually progress to severe pain over weeks and months. Often, no particular trauma seems to provoke the onset of symptoms.

Common signs and symptoms of tennis elbow include:

  • Itching or burning on the lateral side of your elbow
  • Weak grip strength
  • Sometimes, pain at night
  • They also tend to be aggravated with forearm use, including racquet holding, wrench turning, or even simple handshaking. Your dominant arm is most often affected; however, both arms can be affected.

Tennis elbow can be caused by any repetitive motion or activity you perform with your forearm. Stress accumulation occurs when additional stress from repetitive movements is added to the body. The extra usage and pressure on your extensor muscle tendon gradually result in tiny injuries or microtrauma.

What are the Different Types of Procedures Used to Treat Tennis Elbow Injuries?

Like all types of treatment, before the actual treatment starts, your health team will make some diagnosis regarding your injury. This test can be electromyography (EMG), elbow X-ray, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and electromyography (EMG). Only after going through all these tests will the treatment plan start.

There are two types of treatment for a tennis elbow injury: nonsurgical treatment and surgical treatment. The choice will depend on the patient’s condition and the overall result of the diagnosis and test.

Nonsurgical Treatment

Your provider will talk with you about physical therapy to aid in your tendon’s recuperation. The RICE method is usually the best way to fix a tennis elbow.

  • Rest: Rest from the activity that caused you to develop tennis elbow. As your elbow heals, it is recommended that you do not use it as much as possible.
  • Ice: Take a cold bath with water in your elbow for 15-20 minutes at a time, and repeat the procedure at least three times a day. Do not place ice directly on the skin; place the ice packs into a thin towel or a piece of cloth.
  • Compression: Place a roll of gauze around the part of your arm near the elbow. Your physiotherapist can also demonstrate how to wear the compression bandage correctly.
  • Elevation: Try to keep your elbow position slightly higher than the level of your heart as much as you can.

Other nonsurgical (conservative) tennis elbow treatments include:

  • Over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers: NSAIDs or acetaminophen may help decrease inflammation or pain based on purchasing from a chemist’s counter. Consult your doctor before taking these medicines for more than ten consecutive days.
  • Physical therapy: A physical therapist will recommend exercises to strengthen and flex the muscles around the affected elbow area.
  • Wearing a brace: Supports for wrists and elbows will help provide adequate rest to the tendon so that it may heal. Your provider will explain what kind of brace you require and how often you will use it.
  • Platelet-rich plasma: Your provider will use a simple procedure to take a sample of your blood and spin it to concentrate platelets, proteins that encourage healing. Next, they will inject that blood sample into your elbow with a needle.
  • Corticosteroids: Corticosteroids are one type of prescription anti-inflammatory drugs. Your particular provider can introduce cortisone shots into your affected elbow. Corticosteroids are less frequently used compared to other therapies since they have been proven not to alleviate pain of more than six weeks’ duration.
  • Tenotomy: Through an ultrasound, your provider will insert a needle through your skin and into your injured tendon. They will debride the wound, which means they will remove dead tissue and promote the healing process in your body.
  • Shockwave therapy: To help you recover and avoid more complications, your provider will manage a particular pressure frequency at which your tendon is affected. The shock waves help stimulate your body to step up the pace of healing.

Surgical Treatment

If non-surgical treatments fail to help your symptoms, your doctor may suggest surgery within 6 to 12 months. In most cases of tennis elbow, surgery involves excision of the abnormal tendon tissue and reattachment of the healthy tendon to the bone.

The best surgical approach for you will depend on a range of factors, including:

  • The extent of your injury
  • Your general health
  • Your personal needs

Do not hesitate to discuss the matter with your general practitioner. Ask your doctor to explain the therapy outcomes they have accomplished and the risks of each method.

Open surgery: It is the most commonly used technique for treating Tennis elbow. This procedure involves making an incision on the outside of the elbow at the lateral aspect of the bend. It can either be an inpatient procedure, where one stays in the hospital for several days after the operation, or an outpatient procedure, where an individual is discharged within the same day as the surgery.

Arthroscopic surgery: Tennis elbows can also be treated with minimally invasive surgery, such as microsurgery, which uses miniature instruments and tiny incisions. This procedure can be performed as a same-day or outpatient operation, just as is observed with open surgery.

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Most frequently asked questions for Tennis Elbow Treatment Cost in India

Q: What is the leading cause of tennis elbow?

A: As the name suggests, tennis elbow is frequently brought on by the force of the tennis racket striking balls struck with the backhand grip. Overuse can cause soreness in your forearm muscles, which connect to the outside of your elbow.

Q: What distinguishes a golfer’s elbow from a tennis elbow?

A: There are similarities between a tennis elbow and a golfer’s elbow. Both of these injuries are the result of overusing your elbow and arm, causing repetitive strain.

Tennis elbow is a condition that affects the extensor muscle tendon on the outside (lateral) of your elbow. Golfer’s elbow damages the inner (medial) tendon of your elbow. Golfer’s elbow is known medically as medial epicondylitis.

Q: Can tennis elbow recover in two months?

A: The tendon normally recovers about six months to a year, but you may notice relief much sooner. Tennis elbow can, however, occasionally persist for up to two years even if your treatment plan is followed.

Q: What is the quickest treatment for elbow tennis?

A: The best treatment for tennis elbow is rest. If you can cease the constant movements that created it, it usually heals on its own. Other conservative methods for managing tennis elbow include: Ice: To lessen discomfort and swelling, experts advise ice for 15 minutes every three to four hours.

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